Conference Program

Face to Face Group 1
Paper Title Video
Serhat Orhak, Kürşat Çağıltay
Unlocking the Potential of Virtual Reality in Education: Insights from Teachers and Recommendations for Integration
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Shamil Humbatov
Enhancing Immersive 3D Experiences: The Role of Eye Tracking in Achieving Intuitiveness and Seamless Interaction

Face to Face Group 2
Paper Title Video
Zeyneb Uylaş Aksu, Sevinç Gülseçen
Prediction of University Students' Difficulty Level for Learning Management System (LMS) Using Machine Learning Techniques
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Eylem Kılıç
Review of Social Collaborative Tool used in The Open Society University Network
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Tarana Aliyeva, Kursat Cagiltay, Nergiz Ercil Cagiltay
Analysis of the interaction of social networks and modern society: in case of Azerbaijan
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Face to Face Group 3
Paper Title Video
Asiye Bilgili, Sevinç Gülseçen
1986’dan Günümüze Kullanılabilirlik Testlerinin Bibliyometrik Analizi
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Türkan Karakuş Yılmaz, Zafer Yılmaz, Ömer Arpacık
Müze sanal turu sürecinde görev tipinin bilişsel yük ve hatırlama üzerindeki etkisi
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Emirhan Gülen, Yüksel Göktaş
Öğrencilerin Canlı Çevrimiçi Derslerdeki Dikkat ve Duygu Değişimlerinin Görüntü İşleme Teknolojisiyle İncelenmesi
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Aslıhan Kılıç, Yüksel Göktaş
Kullanıcı Deneyiminin Yeşil Yazılım Mühendisliğine Etkisinin Araştırılması Üzerine Deneysel Bir Çalışma
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Online Group 1
Paper Title Video
Elnatan Tesfa, Matthew Hawkins, Abdelilah Chaib, Aymane Sghier, Tauheed Khan Mohd
The Efficacy of Utilizing Kinect Studio for Academic Purposes in Human Anatomy Research
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Anubhav Rayamajhi, Johnny Breeden, Jack Kiefer, Joon Lee, Tauheed Khan Mohd
Enhancing Augmented Reality Precision with Leap Motion Technology
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Bilgehan Çağıltay, Berfin Sürücü, Kaan Atmaca, Nida Kayaduman, Kürşat Çağıltay
Typing in the Matrix: An Augmented Reality vs. Physical Keyboard Showdown
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Nuray Gedik, Nilgün Özdamar
A Preliminary Study on Student and Faculty Perspectives on Climate Crisis and AI in Higher Education
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Online Group 2
Paper Title Video
Asmir Butkovic, Gavin McArdle, Michela Bertolotto
A framework to measure user experience of geoportals
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Görkem Muyan, Alpay Karagöz, Kürşat Çağıltay
Examining Patterns in Puzzle and Trivia Type of Hyper-Casual Games: An Eye Tracking Study
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Tauheed Khan Mohd, Motti Kelbessa, Luke Heinrichs, Ryan Freas
A Study of Supervised Clustering Methods for Optical Mouse Trajectory Data from Tap Strap 2
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Online Group 3
Paper Title Video
Samet Tekneci, Özlem Baydaş Önlü
CoSpaces ile Programlama Öğretiminde Kodlama Becerilerini Yordayan Değişkenlerin İncelenmesi
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Serhat Çoban, Mustafa Ergun
Fen Bilimleri Eğitiminde Göz İzleme Tekniğinin Kullanıldığı Çalışmaların İncelenmesi
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Zeynel Yıldoğan, Özlem Baydaş Önlü, Mehmet Hasançebi
Yeni Nesil Sorulara Yönelik Etkileşimli 3D Fen Modelleme Materyalin Kullanılabilirliği
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Svetlana Ahmadova
İnsan-kompüter qarşiliqli əlaqəsinin psixoloji xüsusiyyətləri
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Online Group 4
Paper Title Video
Sezin Eşfer, Paul Whittington, Seda Gökçe Turan, Hüseyin Doğan, Seda Saraç, Kerem Rizvanoğlu
Exploring Educational Technologists’ Usability Heuristics on a Mobile Assistive Technology Hub
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Muhammad Hariz Bin Hasnan, Fariza Hanis Abdul Razak
User Experience Evaluation in Metaverse for People with Visual Impairment: Data Gathering
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Ayşe Merzifonluoğlu
Mentor or Boss: The Al Effect on Decision-Making
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Online Group 5
Paper Title Video
Nida Esen, Öykü Su Başaran, Kemal Fidanboylu
Derin Öğrenme Yöntemi ile Görüntü Temelli Elektrik Teli Tespit ve Uyarı Sistemi
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Nesrin M. Bahçelerli, Fahriye Altınay, Zehra Altınay, Mehmet Altınay, Gökmen Dağlı
Yapay Zekanın Turizmi Kolaylaştırılması: Kültür Turizmi
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Elif Bilge Şahin, Pınar Onay Durdu
EEG tabanlı duygu tanıma için DREAMER veri kümesinin analizi
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Neslihan Erdem, Behiç Alp Aytekin
Görsel İletişim Tasarımı Eğitimi Alan Öğrencilerin Görsel Algı Becerisi ve Etkileşim Deneyimlerinin Nasıl Değiştiğine Dair Olguların Psikofizyolojik Olarak Ele Alınması: Hangi Göz İzleme ve Elektrodermal Aktivite Metrikleri Kullanılmalı?
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Online Group 6
Paper Title Video
Leyla Muradkhanli
User Interface Design For Fire Emergency Response
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Kamala Oghuz
Modeling of the system for diagnosing asymmetry of the electromyographic signals using the correlation analysis method in the LabVIEW environment
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Online Group 7
Paper Title Video
Gökçen Tonbul, Damla Topallı, Nergiz Ercil Çağıltay
A Feature Engineering Approach Based on the Data Gathered from a VR Environment Using Haptic Interface to Increase the Applicability of ML Methods
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Gulsah Atas, Damla Topallı, Nergiz Ercil Çağıltay
Enhancing Education Through Virtual Reality: A Focus on User Experience
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Cem Kaya, Baha Mert Ersoy, Murat Karaca
MagniVR: Design & Analysis of Low Vision Accessibility Tool For Virtual Reality
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Burak Kızılkaya, Mehmet A. Kılıçaslan, Saliha Zerdali Ekici, Aykut Gönder, Bilge K. Pamuk, Damla Topallı, Fulya Basmacı, Nergiz E. Çağıltay
A Temporomandibular joint course with Metaverse Experience
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Online Group 8
Paper Title Video
Seda Sahin, Mehmet Emin Aslan
Development of Novel Energy Production System in Sports
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Erdinç Okulmuş, Arif Cem Topuz
Examining the Impact of a Mobile Augmented Reality-based Robotic Learning Application on K12 Students' Academic Achievement
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Seda Sahin, Ömer Gül, Gamze Çetin
A New Mobile-based Beauty Appointment Management Application System
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Mustafa Coşkun, Ayşe Gül Kara Aydemir
Exploring the Ethics of Emotion Computing in K-12 Education: Understanding Adolescents’ Interaction with Generative AI
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Online Group 9
Paper Title Video
Hüseyin Fırat
Çok Sınıflı Cilt Lezyonlarının Sınıflandırılması için InceptionV3 ve EfficientNetB0 Modellerini Birleştiren Sınıflandırma Yöntemi
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Hüseyin Üzen
Histopatolojik Görüntülerin Sınıflandırılması için ESA Tabanlı Yeni Bir Hibrit Ağ Mimarisi
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Levent Kutlutürk
Kullanılabilirlik ve Erişilebilirlik Bağlamında Akademide Ableizm Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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