Registration Fee:

Registration Categories Fee
Full Conference Registration Fee*: €150
Reduced Conference Registration Fee:
(Student* / IEEE Member*)
Additional Page:
(Beyond the 6 pages included in the registration fee)

Payment Methods (Will be activated once Peer-Review process is completed)

Important: While doing your transfer, do not forget to specify the purpose of the payment (HCI-E 2025 Conference), full name of the payer, and PaperID. Please forward a copy of the bank transfer receipt to the Conference Secretariat at

Important Notes for Registration:

  • The registration deadline is 23 October 2025.
  • At least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register at a full or reduced (if applicable) conference registration fee to have the paper published in the proceedings. Other co-authors of the same paper wishing to attend the conference should register separately at the reduced rate of Co-Author/Attendee.
  • Student Rate—Only full-time students enrolled at college and university can register at a reduced Student Rate. Official proof of status must be provided (by email to from the registrar's office. Part-time students, post-doctoral students, and PhD students with income (excluding PhD grant) are not eligible for the reduced rate.
  • IEEE Rate - Please provide an IEEE Member Number or a primary email address (by email to For example, 01234567 or Note that the Member Number must be 8 characters long including leading zeros. IEEE members are expected to have at least a six-month membership history.
  • If you pay by bank wire transfer, check with your bank's transfer commission fee and add it to your total payment amount.
  • Each author can submit no more than three papers (or any author's name cannot be mentioned as an author in more than three papers). Each submitted paper requires separate full conference registration.